Teenager Hamlet
movie, 76 minutes, 2011
WATCH MOVIE here on UbuWeb
“Polymath only begins to describe Margaux Williamson, a Toronto-based painter, screenwriter, director, playwright, movie critic, and book character. When I imagine her, she seems to alight on genres as a butterfly might on flowers, pollinating each next one with the dust of the previous one.”
A painter, on a mission to find art outside of her studio instead of making it, rearranges her friends and limited resources to see what she could find at the heart of her Toronto neighbourhood. Within walking distance from her apartment and no budget, she finds a Hamlet story where Hamlet could only get as far as putting on a play.
It was produced by Julia Rosenberg of January Films, shot by Lee Towndrow, music directed by Steve Kado and stars Sheila Heti, Sholem Krishtalka, Margaux Williamson and many others.
It screened at the Toronto International Film Festival, the Art Gallery of Ontario and Brooklyn's Union Docs. It can be found on UbuWeb.