I Could See Everything

Paintings, 2014 - 2010

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I was taken aback when I was so taken aback by Margaux Williamson’s paintings
— Kenneth Goldsmith, Believer magazine, 2014

Works in this series were exhibited as an exhibition catalogue, I Could See Everything, for a made up museum, The Road at the Top of the World Museum, located in the Yukon. The exhibition was curated by Ann Marie Peña and the book was published by Coach House Books in 2014. Edited by Alana Wilcox; with essays from Ann Marie Peña, Leanne Shapton, Mark Grief & David Balzer and an interview with Chris Kraus.

Some of the series was exhibited at Goldfinch Gallery in Chicago 2019, Agnes Ethrington Art Centre in Kingston, Ontario 2015, Frith Street Gallery in London 2014 & a solo show at the Katharine Mulherin Gallery in New York 2014.